Function formatMarketplaceFee

  • Name



    Returns an object representing either the marketplace commission or listing fee in either in Flat or Percentage format.


    An object representing either the marketplace commission or listing fee.


    • action: "Noop" | "Remove" | "set"

      The type of Action. Can be either "Noop" (No Operation: to keep it as it is), "Remove" or "set".

    • Optional feeType: "percentage" | "flat"

      The type of fee. Can be either "percentage" or "flat",

    • Optional value: number

      The value of the fee. If type is 'Percentage' value refers to a decimal number in range [0, 100]. If type is 'Flat' value refers to a balance amount in a number. Default is 0.

    Returns Marketplace.CommissionFeeType

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